
What We Believe

  • "Freely you have received. Freely give."
  • Education shouldn't be limited to those that can afford it or are subjected to dangerous loans.
  • Not all learning is done in the classroom and sometimes college isn't a right fit for everyone. That doesn't mean that an educational opportunity should be out of reach to those that work hard.


How We Give Back

If you are a student that has demonstrated a tenacious spirit, there isn't a reason why we shouldn't try to help.

Our committee identifies hard working students who wish to attend educational or development programs to better themselves.

The grant is mailed directly to the institution or organization benefitting the student.


Who We Help

  • First Generation College Students at institutions of our customer's choosing 
  • Student Development Programs (College Prep, The Salvation Army, Boys & Girls Clubs, YoungLife, tutoring, sports camps)
  • Students that have suffered an extenuating circumstance or loss
  • Trade school courses for driven students

Paying It Forward

Each student will continue to give an account of their progress and is expected to give a year end assessment of their progress and accomplishments.

Sowing the seeds of good, we will charge our beneficiaries to give back to others in the same situation in the future.

"Freely we have received. Freely give."